Vintage lace up booties!!

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Yesterday was such a lovely day. It started with a beautiful morning. The sun was up on time, there were no showers of rain, which is usually an excuse for me to lie in for a few minutes.. (well, sometimes an hour or two, and as a result i have missed almost all my morning classes this week.)

After getting ready, I was on my way to school, and thats when I saw them.. The vintage lace up boots I never knew I wanted. So I did the only thing I could do, I bought them and that set me back 100 shillings only. Oh happy day!!

The nice lady, who was suprised that I had bought them (they are one size bigger, which isn't as bad as one size too small) packed them and handed them to me and I walked away whistling- ok maybe I wasn't whistling..

Check them out..

Maybe I should also point out that as soon as I got to school,  I put them on. They are so comfortable, I could walk in them all day. Plus don't you just love the colour??

what do you think about my new, or not so new boots??

I intend to style an outfit around them and will be posting pics asap. (as soon as possible - dummies guide to abbreviations)

I put together a mini collection of vintage lace up boots for you to go over. I hope by the time you're through some vintage passion wil be ignited inside you. :) :)


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I'm a firm beliver that every one is entitled to their own opinion.. What's yours?? Let me know.



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